Nutrition to drink: essence and characteristics

the essence of diet drinking for weight loss

Some women dream of losing weight so much that they are ready to go to "extreme measures" for it - until they completely refuse to eat. They are those who resort to various exotic and risky diets, the menu of which is unbalanced and can adversely affect health. Not surprisingly, such diets sometimes lead their victims to the hospital bed.

Some women dream of losing weight so much that they are ready to go to "extreme measures" for it - up to the complete refusal to eat. They are those who resort to various exotic and risky diets, the menu of which is unbalanced and can adversely affect health. Not surprisingly, such diets sometimes lead their victims to the hospital bed.

The alcoholic diet is also dangerous. In order not to be unfounded, we will analyze the essence of this diet point by point and give a detailed critical explanation of all its key points. And it's up to you to decide whether the extra pounds of such victims are worth fighting for.

The essence of the diet

While the recommendations for most diets suggest eating at least something, some sort of limited list of foods, there is absolutely nothing in this diet. You just need to drink - and that's at least one and a half liters of water per day.

In addition, it is allowed to consume milk, liquid fermented milk products, juices, mineral water, cocoa and broths, mashed potatoes, tea, coffee (by the way, there is nowhere clarification whether sugar is allowed). Menu "a la besieged Leningrad", and on a voluntary basis.

The authors of the drinking diet take particular care of the health of their "wards" by establishing that soda is harmful to the body and should not be consumed.

It is suggested that you follow this diet not for a week, or even two, but for exactly thirty days. The creators of the diet talk about wonderful sensations and a feeling of incredible lightness that comes in a couple of weeks.

The pioneers of the method argue that the gravity of the diet is that we cannot force ourselves not to chew food, but only to drink. Presumably, we capture our stress and therefore our problems. They prove to the gullible and dream of losing weight women (and men, although there are fewer of them) that there are enough calories in such a diet for life, and the discomfort of the diet is only psychological.

The authors promise to cleanse the hollow organs at the beginning of the alcoholic diet. Furthermore, what kind of organs they have in mind remains a mystery. After all, the bladder is also a hollow organ. On the same days, the appearance of secretions from the body and the formation of mucus on the tongue are promised (most likely, the authors meant plaque).

Also, the developers talk about the cleansing of dense organs - the liver and kidneys. Therefore, a feeling of slight discomfort in their area is promised. In the last phase of the diet, cleansing is promised at the cellular level.

Furthermore, the authors give weakness to those who are losing weight and allow them to compose a "diet" at their discretion - taking into account, of course, the promised liter and a half of water per day. The apotheosis of this description is the phrase "You must look at your chair" - they want it to be regular! As a result, a weight loss of 10 to 15 kg is promised, but at what cost?

Benefits of an alcoholic diet

According to doctors, the only advantage of this diet can be called the formation of willpower, with which you can force your body not to eat for thirty full days, even if in practice it is a strike of theintentional hunger. Diet no longer brings positive aspects to a person, and especially to her health.

If the authors recommended such fasting days, allowing only to drink all the ingredients used, such as draining (one or two days a week or a month), it would be common sense. But deliberate starvation of the body for a month is masochism.

Damage to diet drinking

the pros and cons of an alcoholic diet

It is worth talking in detail about the dangers of such a "diet" - perhaps those who lose weight will wonder if they need such sacrifices on the part of their health and will calculate the costs of treatment when leaving such "diet".

Fasting itself is stress and slow death of the body, the loss of cells in some organs of the body becomes irreversible. During fasting - even partial, as in this diet - the internal organs degenerate and lose up to 75% of their activity.

In the future, it will take at least another half month to quit this diet, otherwise the body will refuse to eat, anorexia will develop, a dangerous disease involving the psyche.

Internal organ cleansing stories are pure deception. There is no cleansing of the hollow organs (bladder, stomach and intestines), there is nothing to clean for a full month, so they are empty, which can be filled and emptied as needed - several times a day.

To cleanse the stomach and intestines, it is enough to take a laxative or do a day of fasting on kefir or apples. Drinking clean water is enough to clean the bladder.

Next, the authors talk about what the selections look like. Mucus speaks of damage to internal organs and their inflammatory process. A white-coated tongue is a sign of gastritis and duodenitis, usually with a decrease in secretion or inflammation with a violation of the digestive function of the intestine.

With the monthly intake of only fluids, mucosal atrophy and lack of formation of enzymes for digestion are formed. In addition, the body will refuse to take solid food, vomiting and diarrhea will immediately occur. It will take years of your life to develop enzymes.

Due to the interruption of fat intake (if you do not use vegetable oil), the skin will lose its nourishment and become dull, dry and rough, it will crack. Due to the abundance of juices and allergens, you may develop skin and intestinal allergies, which will not add beauty and attractiveness.

This is protein starvation, which means that the function of hematopoiesis will suffer with the development of anemia, sexual function and immunity. With such a diet, many girls lose their periods, develop severe infections and pneumonia, even in the summer.

The authors recommend keeping an eye on the stool. But, much to their chagrin, there will be no need to monitor it - either it will be absent for the first time, while the remnants of enzymes will continue to cope with the incoming liquid, or in a week or two the diarrhea will develop profuse diarrhea due torupture of the pancreas - this will inevitably lead to dehydration and toxicosis. And then - to get acquainted with the resuscitator in the intensive care unit.

As a result of the loss of protein and the load of active drinking, a "hungry" edema will occur. After all, the expression "bloat with hunger" is a true medical condition. Therefore, all the liquid drunk will remain in the tissues, forming edema in them, and the weight will be slightly lost, only due to the splitting of their own tissues.

The weight won't go away?

rules for losing weight on an alcoholic diet

Of course, even the fatter and most thrifty bodies lose weight during a month of hunger strike. But health leaves you with the weight. Plus, when you get off the diet, the extra pounds can give you back three times over. Health, however, may not return at all: is 15 kilograms worth of such sacrifices? After all, there are more balanced and gentle methods.

Is it really impossible?

In this form, under no circumstances. However, there is a healthy grain in this method. Using only drinks, you can spend days of fasting. You will not be able to drink a large number of high calorie drinks, which means that one or two days (but not in a row) a week can drain your body.

On average, a course of such impulsive fasting can be done 3-4 weeks in a row, choosing certain days of the week. For example:

  • in the first week we don't eat Mondays and Fridays,
  • for the second: Wednesday and Saturday
  • the third - Monday and Thursday,
  • the fourth - Tuesday and Saturday.

In general, the opinion of doctors about this type of "diet" is categorical: in the form described by the authors - "no" one hundred percent, as fasting days - perhaps, but only in agreement with the doctor.